Talks, posters and conferences
Please click here for a list of the 20+ mathematical conferences which I have attended.
- Intermediate dimensions of Bedford–McMullen carpets
Workshop on affine and overlapping iterated function systems, University of Bristol, UK, 10/5/22 - 12/5/22
Selected talks and minicourses
Please click here for a more complete list of the 40+ mathematical talks/minicourses I have given.
Coincidence and disparity of fractal dimensions for dynamically defined sets
IMPAN Dynamical Systems seminar, Warsaw, Poland, 17/2/25Coincidence and disparity of fractal dimensions for dynamically defined sets
University of Manchester Dynamical Systems and Analysis seminar, UK, 25/11/25Invited minicourse, Fourier decay for nonlinear fractal measures
Focused workshop on harmonic analysis methods in fractal geometry, Erdős Center, Budapest, Hungary, 6/11/24 - 7/11/24Fourier decay for nonlinear pushforwards of self-similar measures. Slides (edited)
Fractal Geometry and Stochastics 7, Chemnitz, Germany, 26/9/24Tools for studying Fourier transforms of self-similar measures
Invited talk, Afternoon workshop on Fourier analysis, fractals, and finite fields, St Andrews, UK, 18/9/24Fourier decay for self-conformal measures
Workshop on the Geometry of Deterministic and Random Fractals II, Rényi Institute, Budapest, Hungary, 2/9/24Lower box dimension of infinitely generated self-conformal sets. Slides (edited)
Geometry and fractals under the midnight Sun conference, Oulu, Finland, 27/6/24When does the box dimension of a fractal exist? Slides
British Mathematical Colloquium (BMC), Manchester, UK, 19/6/24Overlapping iterated function systems. Slides
Keynote talk, British Early Career Mathematicians’ Colloquium, Birmingham, UK, 14/6/24Which numbers are normal? Slides
Outreach talk, Pint of science, Loughborough, UK, 15/5/24Fourier decay for fractal measures and their pushforwards
University of Birmingham Topology and Dynamics Seminar, UK, 8/2/24Fourier decay of fractal measures and their pushforwards
University of Jyväskylä Geometric Analysis Seminar, Finland, 1/2/24The Assouad spectrum of Gatzouras–Lalley carpets
University of Oulu Analysis Seminar, Finland, 26/1/24Fourier decay of fractal measures and their pushforwards
University of Warwick Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar, UK, 7/11/23Generalised intermediate dimensions. Slides
Fractal Geometry (celebrating Prof. Kenneth Falconer’s 70th birthday), ICMS, Edinburgh, UK, 4/7/23Multifractal analysis on Bedford-McMullen carpets
Multifractal analysis and self-similarity, CIRM, Luminy, Marseille, France, 30/6/23Fourier decay of non-linear images of self-similar measures, Slides
Diophantine Approximation, Dynamics, and Fractals, Exeter, UK, 22/6/23Dimensions of continued fraction sets
Thermodynamic Formalism: Non-additive Aspects and Related Topics, Będlewo, Poland, 16/5/23Dimensions of infinitely generated self-conformal sets
University of Bristol Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems Seminar, UK, 13/3/23Dimensions of infinitely generated self-conformal sets
University of Edinburgh Analysis Seminar, UK, 13/3/23Dimensions of self-affine carpets. Slides, Video
One World Fractals (online), 18/1/23Orthogonal projections of fractals and the digital sundial. Slides
Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Mathematics Symposium (PIMS) St Andrews, The Burn House (Edzell), UK, 16/1/23Metric spaces where geodesics are never unique. Slides (edited)
Mathematics Research Day, University of St Andrews, UK, 1/12/22Intermediate dimensions. Slides
Inaugural talk, Szenzhen Technology University Mathematics Colloquium, China (online), 21/10/22Intermediate dimensions of Bedford–McMullen carpets. Slides
Fractals and Related Fields IV, Porquerolles, France, 5/9/22Dimensions of infinitely generated self-conformal sets. Slides
Geometry of Deterministic and Random Fractals, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, 30/6/22Dimensions of infinitely generated self-conformal sets. Slides
University of Warwick’s Dynamics and Group Geometry Early Researchers (DAGGER) Seminar, UK, 30/5/22Intermediate dimensions
Junior Ergodic Theory Meeting, ICMS (Edinburgh, UK), 30/3/22Intermediate dimensions of Bedford–McMullen carpets. Slides (edited), Video
St Andrews Analysis Seminar (online), 12/10/21Dimensions of continued fraction sets. Slides
Online Fractal Talks, 4/6/21Dimensions of infinitely generated attractors. Slides (edited), Video
St Andrews Analysis Seminar (online), 20/4/21